S/V Saltrun
This is the sail blog of Chris and Joyce, as they learn to sail their Manta 38 catamaran Saltrun. We are new sailors, and plan to explore the Caribbean and try to stay afloat. We plan to go to the beautiful Bahamas first, and then who knows! We are bringing along our dog Guincha, a rare dog called a Portuguese Podengo.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
First Sail
Monday, January 29, 2018
The Blog Is Back... But Is Moving
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Not Much, How Bout You?
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Memorial Day
This Memorial Day weekend, we would like you to take just a minute and reflect on how lucky we all are. We live a dream life here in America, a life that provides not only opportunity and reward, but on a more basic level, it provides safety and security knowing that we really do enjoy the most basic rights as so clearly spelled out in the Declaration Of Independence. "Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness" are often quoted as a famous and integral part of the Declaration Of Independence, and indeed are very powerful words. But words alone mean nothing, and without the sacrifice of so many, those words would have soon been forgotten, or gone down in history as the foolish fodder of the deranged colonists. Luckily, for us, these words were worth fighting for, as sometimes things are. Think about how lucky we are, as we sit in the AC and casually watch something entertaining on the tube. Or as we travel in our cars for the holiday, free to go about our pursuits without fear of search or seizure. Next time you go to the store, stop for a second and be amazed at everything that you can put in your buggy, and think of how different things would be without your local grocery store, Walgreens, or Home Depot.
Memorial Day started in 1868 as Decoration Day, as a way to remember those killed in the Civil War. On Decoration Day, the graves of fallen soldiers were decorated, as a way of honoring and remembering the ultimate sacrifice that the fallen soldiers had made. As the years went by, the modern Memorial Day was established to remember those that gave everything they had, so that we might be free to enjoy those words from the Declaration Of Independence. In a sad way, many people do not even know that Memorial Day is a remembrance of those fallen soldiers. We are all busy, consumed by the day to day chores. Please, take just a minute to stop, and reflect on not only how lucky we all really are, but if not for the brave young people that made it possible.
Be Thankful
I am Sad
I am Proud
I am Lucky
I RememberThank You
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Well, this past week finds us shamefully boatless, and in the beautiful outer banks area of North Carolina. We are here because, since we are boatless, we probably should do something constructive with ourselves, like maybe work for a bit and make some money to pay for our new boat. We have been here for two weeks now, and the area is not only beautiful, but the weather has been refreshingly cool. Maybe even a little too cool for our south Florida taste, but it has not been bad overall. We toured the small town of Morehead City, and went to the beach there and toured the fort at Fort Macon. Then we went to the beach at Atlantic Beach.
In a bit of sad news, it seems that one of the Beastie Boys has passed. John Berry, age 52, died yesterday. Another Beastie Boys member, Adam Yauch, passed away a couple years ago at age 47. This is way too young, wow. While we were not huge fans, who can deny the entertainment value alone of the low budget and ridiculous video from the song Intergalactic! While our travel plans do not include intergalactic travel, we can appreciate the theme! Go Beastie Boys!
Well Now, Don't you tell me to Smile, You stick around, I'll make it worth your While
Got numbers beyond what you can Dial, Maybe it's cause I'm so versa-Tile
I Said- It always brings me back- To when I hear, OOHH Child From the Hudson River Out To the Nile
I run the marathon to the very last Mile, Well, if you battle me, I will REVILE!
People always say, my style is WILD You've got Gall!- You've got Guile! GUILE!
To step to me, I'm a RAP-O-PHILE!!!--- If you want to battle, you're in DENIAL!
Coming from URANUS to check my STYLE- Go ahead, put my rhymes on TRIAL- Cast you off, into EXILE!!!!
I think this is a great sailing song! YES, IT IS!!!Saturday, May 14, 2016
Sailing Vicariously And Suffering Anticipatory Impatience
Well, that is certainly a mouthful, and yet it is just so true. We are living out our own sailing fantasies by following along with our sailing friends that actually have a sailboat right now ( there's a concept). Sailing vicariously through others is what we have had to resort to, as we are still waiting for our new boat to be completed. I was curious as to the exact definition of the word vicarious, and looked it up. Webster;s dictionary states:
vicarious adjective vi·car·i·ous \vī-ˈker-ē-əs, və-\ Popularity: Top 10% of words Simple Definition of vicarious : experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourselfWell, that is us to a tee, and you too evidently, or you wouldn't be reading this, would you? Pitiful we are indeed, but there is always hope! For us, we are counting on a bunch of Frenchies to put together our brand new boat. For you? Not sure, but you gotta have it. Hope that is. Anyway, we continue to wait, and we are employed right now too, making some money for the the eventual launch and sail into the sunset later this year.
We are living vicariously through our sailing friends Neil and Jeannette on the boat Echo Echo. We met them in Miami, as we were both about to set sail for the first time to the beautiful waters of the Bahamas. Well, we both had a great time in the Bahamas, and we went back to Miami and decided to move up to a new boat. This put our sailing plans on hold for a while, as we transition from our old boat to our new boat. Neil and Jeanette are from Australia, and flew here to the US to take possession of their new to them Beneteau 473. We met them after they brought the boat to Miami in order to cross to Bimini, Bahamas. They are a great couple, and we hit it off. We sailed across the Bahama Banks together for a few days, and after a week or so, went different directions. We caught up with each other later in Georgetown Bahamas, and swapped stories over a few sundowners. Echo Echo then made it's way up north, through the Abaco Islands of the Bahamas, and we returned to Miami. Since then, they have made their way to Georgia for some boat repairs, and then back through the Bahamas, to Jamaica, the San Blas Islands of Panama, and through the Panama Canal. Today, they completed a 32 day sail to the beautiful South Pacific, and are anchored in a beautiful harbor in the Marquesa's Islands. We sure wish we were doing the trip too, this is the part of the title that says anticipatory impatience. Sometimes, good things are worth waiting for, and we know this, but we really want to hear the water rushing under the boat, and the smell of clean ocean air everywhere. But for now, we sail vicariously through our friends. Congratulations to you, you made it! If you too would like to live vicariously through the crew aboard Echo Echo as they make their way home to Australia, there is a link to their blog to the right of this post.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Eat Cake By The Ocean!!!
So, we wait for the boat to be built and do nothing but wait and wait. The boat is still in liquid resin form right now, and has, well, a long way to go. We expect a lot you know. No problem, so we wait. But what to do in the mean time? We keep busy, doing normal things like... going to the beach. We ate some cake there just the other day, it was really great! Delicious! As a matter of fact, Joyce surprised me with some really killer cake, I was shocked... I thought we were just going to the beach! And before I knew it, we were having some of the best cake you could imagine, and the view was awesome!!! So, todays video link is all about eating cake by the ocean!!! Enjoy, and have some cake by the ocean too!!