Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Flannigan's Birthday

Yesterday, February nine, was the cause for some celebration here on Saltrun. It was my birthday, and as such, I decided that we would check out a place called Flannigan's, that is just up the street from the marina. It turns out that, although it sounds like an Irish Pub, it is actually something quite different. We have been to Ireland, and recommend it highly, a wonderful place and very nice people everywhere we went. But, we don't remember the pubs playing Katie Perry. Someone should tell Flannigans that they have... drifted a bit from the Irish theme. Oh well, what they did have was a great happy hour, complete with Guinness on tap. And the happy hour from 4-7PM features half off of just about all drinks, including Guinness! So, a couple pints of creamy Guinness set us back a whopping 6 bucks! After a second round, we almost forgot about Katy Perry! Almost, but not really. The food smelled pretty good, they have a decent menu. But we decided to get back to the boat, and chow on some homemade ( Thanks Joyce!) mac and cheese! It was awesome! Then, a mini cheesecake birthday cake complete with candles and another great birthday is in the books. Thanks for making it special Joyce, you are the best! And just so you know, I am not divulging my age. The boat projects are moving along. The wind instrument spinny thing ( Sorry for that description ) that goes up the mast is here and should fix that problem at last. While we are at it, we are replacing the steaming light and foredeck light with a larger LED version. And the latest super killer improvement to Saltrun is the totally awesome double helm seat! Now, we can both sit at the wheel and see where we are going! Before, it was a single seat, the other seats in the cockpit are too low to see forward. Problem solved. Besides, that old seat was pretty mancky, needed to be tossed out. I put it by the trash can outside the boat. It was gone in 5 minutes. Unbelievable. Probably a Katy Perry fan took it. The windlass is still gone. Maybe next week I was told.


  1. Hey man, what the heck?? No email?? Been sitting here in Georgetown, not going anywhere so I wouldn't lose internet and checking every 5 min for your email. No where that I can find is it listed on you blog (Bad Blogger!!) so I can't really let you in on all the secrets we've discovered since we untied the lines.
    But one thing we need more information on is that bad-ass captain's chair!! Holy shit that thing is cool as hell! Where did you get it, and how did you support it based on the fact you only had one support pole. Anyway, shoot me an email so we can get on with our lives....
    P.S. Make sure you have a good anchor and chain...everytime that there's a squall or massive wind (like today) boats start dragging and it becomes a huge deal....always do the Georgetown shuffle (re-positioning your vessel behind land when you know there's heavy wind on the way) and make sure you got a good anchor and chain! I just checked my email....still no email!! See ya buddy.

  2. Hi Kevin,
    I am sorry, I meant to send it.to you
    If I knew how, I would put a link or something on the blog. Anyway, I have been getting slammed at this temp job, and getting the power boat sold. Email is irootgood at yahoo dot com. Send me a note, you lucky Bahamian duck! Thanks for the happy birthday wishes too.
